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Something To Expect For 2011

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - - 0 Comments

Wax Apple Makopa 2010

A new year's resolution, a car, a house, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a baby or whatever. Keep it to yourself because it's none of the above or at least not now to some of them. A girlfriend or boyfriend could not apply. I am rather excited with our blooming Wax Apple. Some call it Java Apple or Love Apple. But locally, it's popularly known as "Makopa". After these flowers bloom, the fruit itself will slowly find its way out showing its beauty the reason why it's called Love Apple.

Well, let's just hope that the birds who occasionally drop by and winds wont spoil the excitement. And not to mention the cats who also love to chase along the branches. But if the birds, the cats and the nature loved the Makopa Tree as it is, then I should feel the same way as to whatever the outcome will be.

And to add the excitement, here's some of the close-up shots I got.

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