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And It Did Deliver As Promised - The Blooming Java Apple

Saturday, August 13, 2011 - - 0 Comments

As previously mentioned on my last post about Something To Expect For 2011, the promise has been fulfilled. The picture you've seen is an "almost-ripe" Java Apple but can readily be eaten if you're not patient enough to wait for some more days. And yes, I could have waited for few more days to get a better shot from these lovely fruit. But believe me, I was lucky to have the first hand shots. Because the day after these photos were taken, these fruits were like being stormed by locusts to have just disappeared from view.

Anyone who gets the chance to see this even for just a glance, can't help but give in to the temptation. I mean, really tempted to climb up and get you share. See the pictures below so you'll know what I mean. Didn't I mentioned that I need to climb up this tree to get a better shot? I wish I have a DSLR so that I don't need to get closer to get a better view.

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