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Holy Thursday - Panaad 2012: Divine Mercy Shrine

Thursday, April 5, 2012 - - 0 Comments

All set for our 2012 Panaad
The Promise or as what we locally called Panaad (in Visayan) or Panata (in Tagalog) in our dialect. Majority of the Filipinos are devout Catholics. And we consider Holy Week as the season of Prayer and Reflection commemorating Christ's Passion and Death on the Cross. This is also the time we prayed to the Lord for mercy and forgiveness of our sins and not to mention the undying petitions to ask for something but not limited to cancer diseases, properties and even relationships in exchange for a renewed life - Panaad.

Because the Lord promised: "Knock and it shall be opened; Ask and it shall be given..." ,  We faithful Catholics, renew this Panaad every year during Holy Week. This may not be true to all but the faithful who believes in miracles believes that nothing is impossible with the Lord.

Our Panaad for this year 2012 was at the Divine Mercy Shrine, El Savador City, Philippines. Check some of the pics below:

We in the family believes in this Panaad practice and we will continue to live with it until our last day on earth. Rest assured, this practice will be passed on the to our future generations. Have a blessed Holy Week everyone!

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